Webtrends WSP Feature Installation and Deployment
  • 28 Aug 2023
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Webtrends WSP Feature Installation and Deployment

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Article summary

Installation and Deployment

Installing and Deploying the Webtrends WSP Feature Package

Deployment of the WSP will copy all the JS files from the .WSP file’s \Layouts\WebtrendsAssets\ directory into the server’s layouts directory, usually located in: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\WebtrendsAssets where XX is the appropriate number for your SharePoint version, e.g. 15.

  1. Log on to the SharePoint server with a local administrator account.
  2. Copy the WAA_2013_<SCOPE>.WSP to the desktop, where <SCOPE> is the desired scope version (Farm, WebApp, Site, Web).
  3. Open Windows Run (Win + R).
  4. Type services.msc and press Enter.
  5. Ensure that the SharePoint Administration service is running.
  6. Ensure that the SharePoint Timer Service is running.
  7. Return to the Desktop.
  8. Open SharePoint 20XX Management Shell as an Administrator.
  9. Run the following command, using the proper file name and path of the scoped WSP from step two above.
    add-spsolution c:\users\<user>\desktop\waa_2013_<scope>.wsp
  10. Open Central Administration as an Administrator
  11. Open System Settings on the left.
  12. Open Manage farm solutions under Farm Management.
  13. Click on WAA_2013_<SCOPE>.WSP.
  14. Click Deploy solution at the top.
  15. Click OK.

Enabling the Farm Scoped Webtrends Analytics Feature

  1. Open to Central Administration.
  2. Open System Settings.
  3. Open Manage farm features.
  4. Scroll down to the W section.
  5. Click Activate next to the Webtrends Advanced Analytics Farm Deploy (2013).
  6. Review the Verifying Successful Tagging Guide.

Enabling the Web Application Scoped Webtrends Analytics Feature

  1. Open Central Administration.
  2. Open Application Settings on the left.
  3. Open Manage web applications under Web Applications.
  4. Select the desired Web Application row.
  5. Click Manage Features in the ribbon at the top.
  6. Scroll down to the W section.
  7. Click Activate next to the Webtrends Advanced Analytics Web Application Deploy (2013).
  8. Review the Verifying Successful Tagging Guide.
  9. Repeat for each Web Application.

Enabling the Site Collection Scoped Webtrends Analytics Feature

  1. Open the desired Site Collection.
  2. Open Settings with the Gear icon at the top.
  3. Open Site Contents.
  4. Open Manage site features under Site Actions.
  5. Scroll down to the W section.
  6. Click Activate next to the Webtrends Advanced Analytics Site Deploy (2013).
  7. Review the Verifying Successful Tagging Guide.
  8. Repeat for each Site Collection.

Enabling the Web Scoped Webtrends Analytics Feature

  1. Open the desired Site.
  2. Open Settings with the Gear icon at the top.
  3. Open Site Contents.
  4. Open Manage site features under Site Actions.
  5. Scroll down to the W section.
  6. Click Activate next to the Webtrends Advanced Analytics Site Deploy (2013).
  7. Review the Verifying Successful Tagging Guide.
  8. Repeat for each Site.

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