Webtrends WSP Feature Configuration
  • 28 Aug 2023
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Webtrends WSP Feature Configuration

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Article summary

WSP Configuration requires the manual editing of the webtrends.load.jsfile prior to packaging of the .wsp feature file, or on the server after deployment.

Please see Manual Configuration for instructions on configurating the webtrends.load.js file.


Editing the files on the server after deployment is possible, but redploying the .wsp feature will overwrite any changes, causing a potential loss of settings and data.
-This is recommended only for preparing or troubleshooting, and then taking the final files and repackaging as the official .wsp for your environment and redeploying.


Please contact Technical Support for assistance in packaging an editing webtrends.load.js file within the .wsp feature package.


The webtrends.load.js file may be named webtrends.load.2013.js in your package. This reference to 2013 is inconseqential, and the same files are used for SP2013, SP2016, SP2019, and SPO

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