Webtrends SharePoint Tag Installer Configuration
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Webtrends SharePoint Tag Installer Configuration

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Article summary

Configuration Settings

General Tab


The order of fields may appear different than described.


If a parent option is disabled, the corresponding child option will be hidden.

  • Enable Tracking - This check box enables or disables the User Custom Action to add the tracking code on each page.

    The User Custom Action cannot be installed by the deploy process. As a result, this box is disabled after installation by default.

  • Data Collection URL - Specifies the domain to send data to. The default should be statse.webtrendslive.com. Only use an alternative value if sending data to an On-Premises SDC Server.
  • DCSID - Specifies the DCSID to send the collected data to.

    -Webtrends data collectors required a valid DCSID to log any sent data.
    -DCSIDs are generated by the Webtrends UI during the creation of new data sources in A9, or the creation of new Site Spaces in A10.
    -If you do not have a valid DCSID, contact your Webtrends administrator for assistance.

  • Time Zone Offset - Specifies the time zone offset for the Site Collection.
  • Use hosted webtrends.js - Check this to use the Webtrends hosted webtrends.js rather than a local copy.

    If your SharePoint environment’s firewall prohibits the user of external JS files, uncheck this box.

  • Enable i18n - Check this to enable double-byte character coding to properly encode some foreign language characters.
  • Download types to track - A comma delimited list of file extensions in link URLs to count as download events for generic <a> links.
  • Track offsite links? - Enables the V10 Tag Offsite Link Tracking.

    This option is for legacy purposes and not recommended. It send extra hits when links leading off the current or specified domains are clicked. Collect all link clicks is preferred.

    • Track these domains as on-site - Regular Expression list of domains to consider onsite and abort hits from the Legacy V10 Tag Offsite Link Tracking.
  • Modern View App-extension? - Check this to enable use of the modern view app-extension and open the Desired Extension CDN Path text field for configuration.
    • Desired Extension CDN Path - Specifies the path for the Webtrends SharePoint App Extension Deploy Files for modern page tracking.
  • Save - Saves the current configuration of the app.

    When Enabled Tracking is checked, this also initiates the insertion of the User Custom Action on the site collection, the creation of the WebtrendsAssets library folder, and assignment of read-only permissions to the JS files within the folder.

  • Retract Webtrends SharePoint Tag Installer - Disables tracking and removes the User Custom Action and WebtrendsAssets document library from the site collection.

    Unchecking the Enable Tracking button and clicking Save will perform the same action. This option will not appear if Enable Tracking is not checked.

SharePoint Tab

  • Collect User Name? - Attempts to retrieve the user name from the HTML of the page using the name field in the upper right of the screen.

    This option is not used if the Collect user profile information via the User Profile Service API is successful.

    • User name element ID - Defines the HTML Element ID to use for the search of the User Name.
    • Alternate user name element ID - Defines a backup HTML Element ID to use for the search of the User Name.
  • Collect user login - Attempts retrieve the User Login from the _spPageContextInfo.userLoginName property.

    This option is not used if the Collect user profile information via the User Profile Service API is successful.

  • Populate authenticated username field? - Copies the value of a specified user parameter into the DCS.dcsaut parameter, used to populate the Authenticated Username field

    This is highly recommended for the most reliable user tracking.

    • Parameter to use for authenticated user name? - Specifies the user parameter value to copy into DCS.dcsaut.
  • Override unique visitor ID? - Copies the value of a specified user parameter into the WT.dcsvid parameter
    • Parameter to use for unique visitor ID? - Specifies the user parameter value to copy into WT.dcsvid.
  • Collect site information? - Pass dedicated parameters for site collection title, site collection root URL, site title, and site root URL for additional reporting.
    • Copy values to Content Groups – Copies the site information data into the Content Group (WT.cg_n, WT.cg_s) parameters for legacy reporting.
  • Collect search information? - Collect information about search phrases used, the number of results displayed, and clickthrough data.
    • Search box element ID - Specifies the HTML Element ID that provides the search information.
    • Search Pages - A comma delimited list of search page names or partial URLs specifying which pages to look for search data.
    • Search result body class name - A comma delimited list of HTML Element Class Names to try to use to identify search results in the list.
    • Legacy Search - Disables enhanced search data including search experience, pagination, refiner, count, and other data.
  • Collect Breadcrumbs? - Collects the page’s breadcrumb, if a breadcrumb is visible in the page.

    This is rarely visible in SPO classic pages, and less so in modern pages.

    • Breadcrumb element ID - The HTML Element ID to search for breadcrumb data.
  • Collect Web Part impressions? - Collects web part names via REST API or HTML to send on page view events and tie link click events to a particular web part.
    • Add Web Part ID to Title? - Adds the web part instance ID to the WT.shp_wpv parameter to allow report differentiation between two of the same web part types on the same page in modern pages.
  • Collect ECB menu clicks? - Collects document data on links clicks.

    This option was previously intended for tracking only the ECB menu interactions, but now controls all document tracking and should be left on.

  • Collect Document Meta Data? - Attempts to collect additional user specified properties on document link clicks.

    This process involves REST API calls on hover to any detected document link in an attempt to collect metadata prior to the link click.
    -A slow server response may result in unreliable retrieval of this data.
    -Data is stored in sessionStorage to avoid additional calls and improve data availability on subsequent clicks.

    • List of FIelds to Collect: - A comma delimited list of library fields names to attempt to retrieve.

      This list is case insensitive and attempts to compensate for some special characters often used in the list backend, but matching the backend value exactly will increase reliability.

  • Collect list information? - Collects list item data on link clicks or when viewing/editing properties.
  • Collect Social Menu clicks? - Collects interaction data on Site Newsfeeds and Blog Templates.
    • Legacy social tracking? - Disables the collection of additional data such as the comment text and author.
  • Modern News Article Impressions? - Enables one additional impression hit on page load for each detected article in the modern News web part.

    This option may increase the number of hits generated for some pages by several times.

  • Collect all link clicks? - Collects interaction data on all <a> link clicks that are not already tracked with other options above.

    This option is highly recommended for proper tracking of general web part, navigation, and other links.

  • Disable Click Tracking if MultiTrack is on Link? - Disables automatic Collect all link clicks? on links where customers have manually implemented multiTrack function calls on the links for custom tracking.
  • Obfuscate sensitive parameters? - Applies an irreversible MD5 hash against specified user related parameter values to obfuscate their intelligibility within reports.

    In the event that you wish to avoid sending a User Login or similar sensitive user parameter, it is highly recommended to use this option instead, to ensure proper session tracking.

    • Parameters to use for obfuscated sensitive data? - A comma delimited list of the desired user parameters to irreversibly hash.
  • Disable page view event? - Disables the automatic page view collection event on the entire site collection.

    Use with extreme caution
    -This allows you to force tracking to wait for your own asynchronous calls to ensure desired data is available for collection.
    -If you wish to disable page views of only some pages within the site collection, please contact Support for assistance.

  • Strip the last octect of IP Addresses? - Signals the SDC logging server to strip the last octect of the client IP address from the logged data.

    This does not impact Geo location data in reports as the augmentation takes place prior to the stripping.

  • Legacy onSite - Passes WT.dl=24 when a destination URL of a link event leaves the current site collection rather than the current domain.

    Additional WT.offdom, WT.offsite, and WT.offsub parameters are now available for offsite tracking at different scopes instead of this legacy option.

  • Onsite domains - A comma delimited list of domains to be considered onsite for the WT.offdom parameter.

    The current page domain is always considered onsite.

    • Regex? - Enables the use of a Regular Expression in the Onsite domains field instead.
  • Overwrite Client IP Address? - Signals the SDC logging server to overwrite the entire client IP address from the logged data.
    • Desired IP Address - Specifies the desired IP Address to replace the client IP address with.

      If unspecified, this defaults to the value

User Profile

The User Profile tab will be similar but different for each tenancy, as almost every tenancy has different custom user profile properties available.

  • Collect user profile information? - Enables the use of the User Profile Service REST API call to retrieve data for the currently logged in user.
  • Skip user profile collection API in Web Apps - Disables the use of the User Profile Service REST API call when the current page's SPWebTemplate is 17, which corresponds to Apps.

    The User Profile Service REST API requires a user context that cannot be executed with add-in-only authentication. This can result in a pop up window requesting the current users credentials when attempting to open a 3rd party add-in. Skipping the API call will avoid the pop-up, but also result in no user data being retrieved from interactions within the add-in.


    The User Profile Service REST API call is always allowed when viewing the Webtrends SharePoint Tag Installer add-in UI to ensure user information is available if a user modifies the add-in settings.

  • Collect? (column) - Enables the collection of the corresponding User Profile Property row.

    Default collected properties are checked automatically.

  • User Profile Property (column) - A list of available User Profile Properties retrieved from the User Profile Service for your tenancy.
  • Assigned Parameter (column) - Specifies the parameter name to use to send the corresponding User Profile Property value.

    Default collected properties had default parameter names in the format WT.shp_<property name>.
    -Enabling a new property will automatically fill this field with a parameter name in the format of WT.ups_<property name>.
    -This automatic value can be replaced by editing the field if desired.
    -Parameter names are case insensitive.

  • Example Value (column) - Displays the value in the tenancy'sUser Profile Service defined for the currently logged in user.

    If an example value is not present, a value is not defined in the User Profile Service for the currently logged in user. Edit the user's profile in the User Profile Service to correct.


*Please contact Support prior to modifying any settings within the Plugins section to ensure proper configuration.

SharePoint Plugin

  • Enabled - Enables to use of the SharePoint V10 Tag Plugin which collects the SharePoint specific data for the site.

    This plugin should only be disabled for troubleshooting purposes.

  • Filename - An example of the expected file path and name of this plugin.
  • Options - A text field allowing the modifications of default plugin properties.
    • async - A Boolean specifying if the base tag should wait for this plugin to load before sending a page view event.
    • waitForCallback - A Boolean specifying if the base tag should wait for this plugin to finish asynchronous API calls before sending a page view event.
    • timeout - A milllisecond Number of how long the base tag should wait for this plugin to load before sending a page view event.
    • overlays - A JSON formatted object allowing you to overwrite default methods with a customized version.

      The overlays option can be useful to customize behavior of the tag for things such as retrieving alternative text on link clicks.

      -Only reference the method name:
      e.g. getAllClickTitle
      -Do not reference the prototype chain:
      e.g. WebTrendsSP_intra.prototype.getAllClickTitle

          overlays: {
              methodToReplace: function (argument) {
                  // Customized code

Additional Plugins

Additional optional plugins may be listed below the SharePoint Plugin. These will have similar Enabled, Filename, and Options sections. Settings within the options section will vary depending on functionality of the plugin.

Some possibilities include:

  • SharePoint Social Plugin - A plugin to provide enhanced tracking of SharePoint Newsfeeds and Blog Templates.
  • SharePoint Language Conversion Plugin - A plugin to translate the text of some links displayed in a foreign language to allow proper reporting of those events, used when the text of the link is required to know what action was performed rather than other means.
  • Webtrends Streams Data Collection - A plugin to send duplicate data for each event to an additional SDC server and/or DCSID to "dual tag" a site for migration or other purposes.
  • HTML5 Video Plugin - A plugin to track HTML 5 Video Player web parts on a page where possible.

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