Web Part Configurations
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Web Part Configurations

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Article summary

Web Part Configurations

The Webtrends Tag Manager web part provides multiple configuration options in the web part side panel UI to adjust behavior as needed for your environment. These consist of the following sections:

  • General
  • API Config
  • Site Inventory
  • Site Inventory Templates

To access these configuration options:

  1. Navigate to the /webtrends-tag-manager site.
  2. Edit the page where the web part is installed.
  3. Select the Webtrends Tag Manager web part.
  4. Click the Pencil icon (Edit web part) on the left menu.
  5. Make the desired changes in the side panel.
  6. Click Republish in the command bar to apply the changes.


Tag Manager Name

Set title of the web part that will appear at the top of the Webtrends Tag Manager web part.

Debug Log Level

Choose which level of logging you wish to display in the web console for debugging purposes.

  • Off - No debug log is output to the web console.
  • Up to Information - Outputs basic messaging of steps being performed.
  • Up to Warnings - Outputs warning messaging of possible issues, including log levels below it (Information).
    • This option is currently not used.
  • Up to Errors - Outputs error messaging for issues including log levels below it (Information, Warnings).
  • Verbose - Outputs all information including log levels below it (Information, Warnings, Errors).

This property is stored in sessionStorage and only applies to the current tab.
If you wish to see the debugging logs on a tagged site, change the debug log level here and navigate to the site using the same browser tab.


It is possible to edit a browser tab's log level in the Developer Tools by modifying the stringified sessionStorage.wtLogLevel.value property.

Numeric Equivalents:

  • off = 99
  • info = 1
  • warning = 2
  • error = 3
  • verbose = 0

API Config

Sub Site Depth

The number of levels deep (0-10) the Webtrends Tag Manager will recurse through when attempting to install the itself onto a site and any sub sites.

A value of 0 would install the package on the root site /sites/example but not any sub sites.

A value of 1 would install the package on the root site /sites/example and on any subsites one level deep, such as /sites/example/subsite1. A subsite of a subsite, such as /sites/example/subsite1/sub-subsite1, would not have the package installed in this scenario.


This configuration is only relevant using the Single-site version, which installs the package onto each web individually to enable the extension.

The Tenant-wide version does not install the package onto sites. Instead, it utilizes a tenant-wide extension controlled by the tenant-wide-extensions list found within the app-catalog.

API Concurrency Limit

The number of concurrent batches (1-15) for site inventory and tagging/untagging operations. API calls are into grouped into batches that run simultaneously. This setting controls how many batches are run in parallel.

A higher number will run more batches simultaneously, performing the operations in less time. A lower number will run fewer batches and take longer to complete.


This configuration is intended to help administrators avoid throttling in SharePoint. When interacting with larger tenancies this configuration may need to be lowered to avoid SharePoint throttling the activity.

API Throttle Rate (ms)

The number of milliseconds (0-1000) in-between batches of operations. API calls are grouped into batches and this configuration sets the delay in-between batches, to slow down or speed up the process.

A higher number will wait longer in-between batch jobs, taking longer to complete the process. A lower number will wait less time and allow the operation to complete faster.


This configuration is intended to help administrators avoid throttling in SharePoint. When interacting with larger tenancies this configuration may need to be increased to avoid SharePoint throttling the activity.

Site Inventory

Enable Inventory All

Enables or disables the ability to inventory all site collections at once in the environment with the Inventory Site Collections button.


This configuration is intended to help administrators avoid accidentally inventorying the entire environment, which may be undesirable in large tenancies. When installed on large tenancies, this configuration may need to be unchecked to ensure that Tag Managers must use the Site Search form, to limit how many sites are inventoried at one time.

Site Inventory Templates

A checkable list of Site Templates that will be inventoried. This list is used in a search refinement filter to narrow the scope of results when querying for the list of sites within the environment.


Only the default checked site templates have been tested.

It is possible to enable a Site Template that may cause an error when attempting to inventory sites.

Please contact Technical Support for assistance if this occurs.


Official documentation on the current list of Site Templates is difficult to find. The list of templates in the Webtrends Tag Manager may be incomplete.

Please notify Technical Support if you find that a desired template type is missing from the list.


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