Deployment and Installation
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Deployment and Installation

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Article summary

Deployment and Installation

As of v3, the Webtrends Tag Manager supports two deployment options.

In both versions:

  • The Webtrends Tag Manager package uploaded to the app-catalog provides a web part to be installed on the /webtrends-tag-manager site.
  • The Webtrends Tag Manager web part UI provides the ability to inventory some or all site collections in the environment.
  • The Webtrends Tag Manager web part UI provides the ability to create a Custom tag configuration to apply to an inventoried site collection and its sub-sites.

The two versions differ in their deployment to modern pages and ability to create a Default tag configuration.

  • Tenant-Wide
    • This option deploys a modern Application Customizer Extension to all sites (webs) in the tenancy, via the tenant-wide-extensions list found in the app-catalog.
    • The UI provides the ability to create a Default tag configuration used by all modern pages in the tenancy.
      • Modern pages of sites created at a later date are therefore automatically tracked if the Default tag configuration exists.
    • A Custom tag configuration will override the Default tag configuration on any assigned site collections.
  • Single-Site
    • This option does not automatically deploy anything to any site(s).
    • No Default tag configuration option is available.
      • Modern pages of new sites are therefore not automatically tracked.
    • The UI provides the ability to assign a Custom tag configuration to a site collection, which also install the Webtrends Tag Manager package to selected site collection(s) and its sub-sites..
      • The installation of the package to a site (web) enables the modern application customizer extension on just that site.

Classic pages require the installation of a User Custom Action on the site collection. This action occurs only when assigning a Custom tag configuration to a site collection, and only if the Allow custom scripting option is enabled for that site collection.

Use of the Default tag configuration will not track Classic pages since a User Custom Action is not installed on that site collection.

Deploying the Tenant-Wide Webtrends Tag Manager Package

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint tenant app catalog site.
  2. Click Apps For SharePoint.
  3. Drag and drop the sharepoint-tag-manager.sppkg file onto the page to upload.
  4. On the screen titled Do you trust WT Tag Manager, ensure that the checkbox for Make this solution available to all sites in the organization is checked.
  5. Click Deploy.

Failure to check the Make this solution available to all sites in the organization will upload the package to the app-catalog, but will not add the extension to the Tenant Wide Extensions list.

Deploying the Single-Site Webtrends Tag Manager Package

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint tenant app catalog site.
  2. Click Apps For SharePoint.
  3. Drag and drop the sharepoint-tag-manager.sppkg file onto the page to upload.
  4. On the screen titled Do you trust WT Tag Manager, click Deploy.
  5. Navigate to the webtrends-tag-manager site.
  6. Open site Settings (the gear icon in the upper right).
  7. Open the Site contents.
  8. Click Add an app.
  9. Click the icon for WT Tag Manager.

If you do not see the WT Tag Manager under the Apps you can add section, try the From Your Organization link on the left.

Adding the Web Part

  1. Navigate to the webtrends-tag-manager site.
  2. Click Edit at the top right of the homepage.
  3. Click the line with the circle + to add a new web part.
  4. Select the Webtrends Tag Manager from the list of available web parts.
  5. Click Republish at the top right.


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