The Preserve Config Value
  • 06 May 2020
  • 1 Minute to read
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The Preserve Config Value

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Article summary

The preserve config value

If the preserve config value is set to true, then the base set of parameters collected during the track call will remain unmodified by later calls to multiTrack.

For example, if you set this flag to false and then called multitrack with a argument of ['', 'test'] , the value foo would show up in all multitrack calls that followed the frist multitrack call.

Default value: true

JavaScript Example:

window.webtrendsAsyncInit = function () {
        var dcs = new Webtrends.dcs();
        dcs.init( {
                dcsid: "dcs9x99xxxx9xxx9xx9xxxx9x_9x9x",
                preserve: false

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