Page View Definitions
    • 24 Apr 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors

    Page View Definitions

    Article summary

    Page View Definitions

    You can use the Page View Definitions dialog to define which hits to the data collection server are counted in Webtrends reports that use the Pages dimension. Many website pages now host a variety of content in different formats. Depending on your reporting needs and your website construction, you may want to track only some elements as page views.


    The number of hits that are tracked as page views has no effect on the number of licensed page views counted for licensing purposes.

    The global page view definitions created in this dialog can be applied to any Webtrends Analytics 9 profile.

    Field Descriptions

    Webtrends parameter (wt.dl)
    You should use this method if you use Webtrends Analytics 9 or SmartSource Data Collector (SDC) with the Webtrends tag. This method identifies a hit as a page view whenever the wt.dl parameter is present in the hit and has a value of zero (0). Any hits that do not contain the wt.dl parameter are also counted as page views. The wt.dl parameter is used to identify on-page events. It can be set using the Webtrends Tag Builder, or passed as part of the page code using dcsMultiTrack.

    Custom parameter
    Use this method if you cannot implement wt.dl and want to identify page views using a custom query parameter. You can also identify page views by the absence of a query parameter in the hit.

    To count a page view when a hit includes a specific parameter value, type the parameter name, select Equal To, and then type a parameter value. If you also want to count a page view for each hit where the parameter does not occur, select the Also match hits where the parameter is absent check box.

    To count a page view when a hit contains any other value of the specific parameter than the one you specified, type the parameter name, select Not Equal To and then type a parameter value.

    To count a page view whenever a specified parameter is not present in the hit, type the parameter name and select Not Present.

    To count a page view for each hit where a parameter has a specific value AND a page view for each hit that does not contain the parameter, specify a parameter and a value. Then select the Also match hits where the parameter is absent check box


    You can specify up to 10 parameter values for page view hits. When specifying multiple values, make sure to seperate each value with a space.

    Any hit
    Use this method to count any and all hits to the data collection server as page views. If you use this method, you can expect your reports to treat hits and page views identically.

    File extensions
    Use this method to identify page views whenever a hit includes one of a user-defined list of file extensions. You can add extensions by creating as a space-delimited list. For example, type:

    asp aspx htm html

    To import a globally defined list of extensions and modify it for this profile, click Import Global List. You can edit or remove any of the file types in the list.

    Note: If you are a returning customer and you see a list containing expressions with curly brackets such as {asp,0}, URLs for the file types with this notation are truncated in reports.

    Accessing This Dialog

    In the left pane, click Administration > Web Analysis > Options > Analysis.

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