Cookie States and Tracking Behavior
  • 06 May 2020
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Cookie States and Tracking Behavior

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Article summary

Tag functionalityCookie statewtid.jsCookie setting and detectionSession functionalityParameters and events
New cookie configuration state for EU Privacy Act1st party disabled, 3rd party disabledNo request madeNo 1st party cookie setOnly WT.vt_f=4 is sent, to signify that first party cookies are explicitly disabled.No WT.co_f should be included in events

No WT.vtid should be sent unless the tag is configured to specify a vtid value
Standard1st party enabled, 3rd party enabledNo request made, users have same ID across domains3rd party cookie detection occurs unless overridden by TPCConfig.cfgType. (dcsredirect occurs if the request does not contain an ACOOKIE)Standard session and timing functionalityn/a
Standard with 3rd party cookies disabled1st party enabled, 3rd party disabledNo request made, user ID is generated client sideAll events should include dcscfg=1 to instruct the collection server to not try and set a third party cookie in the responseStandard session and timing functionalityNo dcsredirect requests should occur
Unsupported1st party disabled, 3rd party enabledn/an/an/an/a

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