Get Report Definition
  • 29 Mar 2024
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Get Report Definition

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Article summary

/profiles/{Profile ID}/reports/{Report ID}/info/ returns the report definition for the given report ID.

Method: GET

URI: /profiles/{Profile ID}/reports/{Report ID}/info/

Note: Add any optional parameters to the end of the URI. If you change the order of URI or required parameters, or place optional parameters before them, the call will not work.

Version number

The version number you will use is dependant upon the version of Analytics you have installed. Analytics versions 9.5 and below, use v2_0. Analytics versions 9.5.1 and above will use v2_1.

Example Request{version}/ReportService/profiles/YcL4a5dufF6/reports/RZ2YgglpHk5/info?format=xml

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <decimal name="accountID">10314</decimal>
    <string name="profileID">8OKsgHyd3r5</string>
    <string name="ID">LiIe3JhBNj5</string>
    <string name="name">Campaigns</string>
    <string name="type">dimensional</string>
    <list name="properties">
        <boolean name="isHierarchy">true</boolean>
        <boolean name="intervalsEnabled">false</boolean>
        <boolean name="IsRealTimeCompatible">false</boolean>
        <string name="ProfileCategory">%%Marketing%%</string>
        <string name="Description">This drilldown report shows the visitors' most recent campaigns
            during the report time period. For the report time period, all conversions and other
            activities are tracked and attributed to the last campaign to which visitors responded.
            Thus, even if the conversion does not happen on the first visit generated by the most
            recent campaign, the appropriate source is "credited" with the conversion. Drilldown
            levels may be the result of a custom dimension definition or from an applied campaign
            translation file.</string>
    <Dimension name="dimension">
        <string name="ID">S1wN9hisnj5</string>
        <string name="name">Campaign Drilldown</string>
        <string name="type">data</string>
        <Dimension name="SubDimension">
            <string name="ID">KuU7oeAsnj5</string>
            <string name="name">Partner</string>
            <string name="type">data</string>
            <Dimension name="SubDimension">
                <string name="ID">BlpOxH5snj5</string>
                <string name="name">Marketing Program</string>
                <string name="type">data</string>
                <Dimension name="SubDimension">
                    <string name="ID">Q2bjod3snj5</string>
                    <string name="name">Marketing Activity</string>
                    <string name="type">data</string>
                    <Dimension name="SubDimension">
                        <string name="ID">oda6Rji1Oj5</string>
                        <string name="name">Campaign Description</string>
                        <string name="type">data</string>
                        <Dimension name="SubDimension">
                            <string name="ID">9STq0Y0Snj5</string>
                            <string name="name">Campaign ID</string>
                            <string name="type">data</string>
    <list name="measures">
            <string name="name">Visits</string>
            <string name="ID">Visits-0</string>
            <decimal name="columnID">0</decimal>
            <string name="measureFormatType">numeric</string>
            <boolean name="AllowTotals">false</boolean>
            <string name="name">Page Views</string>
            <string name="accumulationType">Sum</string>
            <string name="ID">CAoNYspmFb5-1</string>
            <decimal name="columnID">0</decimal>
            <string name="measureFormatType">numeric</string>
            <boolean name="AllowTotals">true</boolean>
            <string name="name">Clickthroughs</string>
            <string name="accumulationType">Count</string>
            <string name="ID">6wSvdu0AOj5-2</string>
            <decimal name="columnID">0</decimal>
            <string name="measureFormatType">numeric</string>
            <boolean name="AllowTotals">true</boolean>
            <string name="name">Yearly Campaign Visitors</string>
            <string name="accumulationType">Sum</string>
            <string name="ID">KrLEUoKX4K5-18</string>
            <decimal name="columnID">0</decimal>
            <string name="measureFormatType">numeric</string>
            <boolean name="AllowTotals">false</boolean>
            <string name="name">New Campaign Visitors</string>
            <string name="accumulationType">Sum</string>
            <string name="ID">TwdhsVkX4K5-19</string>
            <decimal name="columnID">0</decimal>
            <string name="measureFormatType">numeric</string>
            <boolean name="AllowTotals">false</boolean>



format = return data format
Example: specifying data formats

Data formatParameter and value
XML2 ("XPath-friendly" XML for dynamic applications)format=xml2

For report data requests, all formats are supported. For "list" requests, only XML and JSON formats are supported.

Suppress error codes

Set the suppress_error_codes parameter to true if you do not want to be notified of error conditions for a request (the default is false).

suppress_error_codes = {true|false}
Example: Suppress errors for a request

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