WTConfigKeys Class Reference
  • 16 Apr 2020
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WTConfigKeys Class Reference

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Static Public Attributes

WTConfigKeys contains a list of constants that may be used when reading or setting configuration values.


static final String ACCOUNT_GUID = "wt_opt_account_guid"

  • Description: Your Webtrends account GUID. In order to send Optimize conversion events to our data collectors, you must set either this or the wt_dc_dcsid setting.
  • String Literal: "wt_opt_account_guid"
  • Default Value: none
  • Acceptable Values: string — Your Webtrends-assigned Account GUID, a 10-character alphanumeric string


static final String ACTIVITY_AUTOMATICS_ENABLED = "wt_dc_activity_automatics_enabled"

  • Description: Controls whether or not certain events will be logged automatically. See the [Automatic Events Guide][AutoEvents] for details on what events are automatically collected.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_activity_automatics_enabled
  • Default Value: "true"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String APP_NAME = "wt_dc_app_name"

  • Description: Contains the application name of your app. If present, this value will be used in lieu of context.getApplicationInfo().labelRes
  • String Literal: wt_dc_app_name
  • Default Value: none
  • Acceptable Values: string — Any string


static final String APP_VERSION = "wt_dc_app_version"

  • Description: Contains the application version of your app. If present, this value will be used in lieu of context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName())
  • String Literal: wt_dc_app_version
  • Default Value: none
  • Acceptable Values: string — Any string


static final String AUTO_SEND_THRESHOLD_PERCENT = "wt_dc_auto_send_threshold_percent"

  • Description: Percentage of the event store capacity (defined in the Max Persisted Events configuration setting) at which events will be automatically sent to the Webtrends data collection servers. This setting expects an integer from 0 to 100, inclusive.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_auto_send_threshold_percent
  • Default Value: "80"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (an integer from "0" to "100", inclusive)


static final String BATTERY_CHECK_MILLIS = "wt_dc_battery_check_millis"

  • Description: Controls how often (in milliseconds) the battery should be checked for sufficient capacity to transmit events to data collection. In an Android environment, checking the battery can in itself drain the battery further. For this reason, this setting should be set sufficiently high to avoid undue battery use.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_battery_check_millis
  • Default Value: "300000" (5 minutes)
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (Any valid positive integer value)


static final String BATTERY_MIN_CHG_PERCENT = "wt_dc_battery_min_charge_percent"

  • Description: Controls at what battery level to stop Webtrends event transmission. When the battery level falls below this level, event transmission to the Webtrends data collection servers is disabled. After Android reports that battery power is restored to a level above this threshold, event transmission will resume.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_battery_min_charge_percent
  • Default Value: "20"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — representation of any integer between "0" and "100", inclusive.


static final String COLLECTION_URL_BASE = "wt_dc_collection_url_base"

  • Description: The URL address of the Webtrends data collection server
  • String Literal: wt_dc_collection_url_base
  • Default Value: ""
  • Acceptable Values: string — A valid URL string including the protocol (http:// or https://)


static final String COLLECTION_URL_EXTRA_QUERY_PARAMS = "wt_dc_collection_url_extra_query_params"

DEPRECATED - Extra key/value pairs (parameters) that are passed as part of the query string.

  • Description: If set, these key/value pairs will be sent along with every event.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_extra_params
  • Default Value: empty string
  • Acceptable Values: key/value pairs formatted as a query string

This config setting is deprecated. Use EXTRA_PARAMS instead.


static final String DCSID = "wt_dc_dcsid"

Set the DCSID, your Analytics identifier.

  • Description: The Webtrends-assigned DCSID used for this account
  • String Literal: wt_dc_dcsid
  • Default Value: none
  • Acceptable Values: Webtrends-supplied DCSID string

While not strictly required, your app must be configured with a valid DCSID.


static final String DEBUG = "wt_dc_debug"

  • Description: Enables or disables debug logging for the SDK. When enabled, event transmission and SDK state information will be printed to the console.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_debug
  • Default Value: "true"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


  • Description: How long (in milliseconds) the SDK will wait for in-the-moment (non-cached) tests to download resources. For example, if a test calls for an image to be downloaded, the SDK will report an error if this threshold is exceeded.
  • String Literal: "wt_opt_download_timeout_millis"
  • Default Value: none
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (Any non-zero positive integer)


static final String ENABLED = "wt_dc_enabled"

  • Description: Enables or disables event collection and transmission in the SDK. This must remain on for the SDK to function, even if only the Optimize portion is being used.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_enabled
  • Default Value: "true"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"

If this config setting is set to 'false', then the SDK will no longer collect events, store events, send events to Webtrends servers, nor will it call home to RCS (if enabled) for configuration updates.


static final String EVENTS_PER_SEND = "wt_dc_event_send_maximum"

  • Description: Events are collected and sent in batches to the Webtrends data collection servers. This setting controls the number of events to send in a single batch.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_event_send_maximum
  • Default Value: "500"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String EXTRA_PARAMS = "wt_dc_extra_params"

Extra key/value pairs (parameters) that are passed as part of the payload of every event.

  • Description: If set, these key/value pairs will be sent along with every event. Format the query parameters as valid JSON e.g.: {foo:bar,fee:fum}. You may alternatively use quoted strings {"foo":"bar","fee":"fum"}, but the quotes will be ignored when read from the config settings. If you will be using complex strings, such as those containing spaces, you must escape-quote the strings: {\"This string\\":\"contains multiple words, separated by spaces\\","fee":"fum"}.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_extra_params
  • Default Value: empty string
  • Acceptable Values: comma separated key=value string formatted as JSON {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2",...}

If values are set in this setting and key/value pairs with the same keys (name collision) are passed in using the WTConfigSetting.EXTRA_PARAMS.setValue() method: parameter, the customParams will take precedence over values in this setting.


All keys in key-value pairs will be cast to lower case automatically. The values will remain in the case in which they are set.


static final String HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = "wt_dc_http_connect_timeout_millis"

  • Description: Controls the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to pass before abandoning a Webtrends SDK-related HTTP request.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_http_connect_timeout_millis
  • Default Value: "10000"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = "wt_dc_http_read_timeout_millis"

  • Description: Controls the maximum amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for a response from a Webtrends SDK-related HTTP connection.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_http_read_timeout_millis
  • Default Value: "30000"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String MASK_IP_ENABLED = "wt_dc_mask_ip_enabled"

  • Description: Enable/Disable masking the IP address of the mobile client. When set to 'true' (enabled), the dcsipa parameter will be set to "1" on every event. The collection servers use this setting to mask the IP address. For IPv4, only the first three octets will be recorded, with the last octet set to 000. For IPv6, the last octet will also be set to 0.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_mask_ip_enabled
  • Default Value: "false"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String MAX_EVENTS_PER_REQUEST = "wt_dc_max_events_per_request"

  • Description: If the application is configured to use API version 2 (or higher), this setting controls how many events are bundled in a single HTTP request.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_max_events_per_request
  • Default Value: "250"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String MAX_PERSISTED_EVENTS = "wt_dc_event_table_size_maximum"

  • Description: The maximum number of events to store locally on the device. If new events are generated while the event store is full, the oldest events will be permanently deleted.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_event_table_size_maximum
  • Default Value: "5000"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (Any valid positive integer value)


static final String MAX_SESSION_MILLIS = "wt_dc_max_session_millis"

  • Description: Controls the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before forcing a new session to start.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_max_session_millis
  • Default Value: "28800000" (8 hours)
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String ONLY_SEND_OVER_WIFI = "wt_dc_only_send_over_wifi"

  • Description: Controls whether events are sent when wifi is unavailable.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_only_send_over_wifi
  • Default Value: "false"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String RCS_ENABLED = "wt_dc_rcs_enabled"

  • Description: Enable/Disable polling of the Webtrends Remote Configuration Service (RCS)
  • String Literal: wt_dc_rcs_enabled
  • Default Value: "false"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String RCS_POLL_INTERVAL_MILLIS = "wt_dc_rcs_poll_interval_millis"

  • Description: Controls how often (in milliseconds) the Webtrends RCS service is polled for changes.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_rcs_poll_interval_millis
  • Default Value: "43200000" (12 hours)
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — representation of an integer >= "3600000" (One hour)


static final String RCS_URL_BASE = "wt_dc_rcs_url_base"

  • Description: Contains the URL for the Webtrends Remote Configuration Service (RCS) server.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_rcs_url_base
  • Default Value: ""
  • Acceptable Values: string — A valid URL string including the protocol (http:// or https://)


static final String REFERRER_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = "wt_dc_referrer_check_timeout_millis"

  • Description: Specifies how long (in milliseconds) the data collector will wait for the Android Play Store to send the REFERRER after application installation and launch.
  • Default Value: "5000" (5 seconds)
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — representation of an integer


static final String REPORT_LOCATION_ENABLED = "wt_dc_report_location_enabled"

  • Description: When enabled (and CoreLocation services in the application are enabled), sends geo location coordinates with every event. In order to receive location updates from NETWORK_PROVIDER or GPS_PROVIDER, you must request user permission by declaring either the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission, respectively, in your Android manifest file. The SDK will not request authorization unilaterally. It will only use this information if it is already authorized in your application.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_report_location_enabled
  • Default Value: "false"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = "wt_opt_request_timeout_millis"

  • Description: How long (in milliseconds) the SDK will wait for the Optimize server to respond to control requests.
  • String Literal: "wt_opt_request_timeout_millis"
  • Default Value: none
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (Any non-zero positive integer)


static final String SEND_INTERVAL_MILLIS = "wt_dc_send_interval_millis"

  • Description: Time (in milliseconds) between stored events being transmitted to the Webtrends data collection servers. If no events are queued, nothing is transmitted and a new send event is scheduled.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_send_interval_millis
  • Default Value: "600000"
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String SEND_SCREEN_VIEW_WITH_ACTIVITY_VIEW_ENABLED = "wt_dc_send_screen_view_with_activity_view_enabled"

  • Description: Enable/Disable sending a screen View event along with every automatic activity event. This only applies when automatic events are enabled. This may be enabled/disabled manually or by RCS.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_send_screen_view_with_activity_view_enabled
  • Default Value: "false"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String SEND_UNIQUE_ID_ENABLED = "wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled"

  • Description: Controls whether or not a unique ID (from the device) is sent along with every event.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_send_unique_id_enabled
  • Default Value: "true"
  • Acceptable Values: boolean as a string — "true" or "false"


static final String SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = "wt_dc_session_timeout_millis"

  • Description: Controls the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) since the last event before forcing a new session to start.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_session_timeout_millis
  • Default Value: "1800000" (30 minutes)
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (any valid positive integer value)


static final String TIMEZONE = "wt_dc_timezone"

  • Description: The timezone offset that will be used to calculate session information. This setting is only used to establish when a new day starts/ends. Generally, this should be set to the timezone that will be used for session reporting. It is NOT NECESSARILY the timezone that the device is operating in. Specifies the time zone of the Webtrends data source as an offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For example, Pacific Time is expressed as -8.
  • String Literal: wt_dc_timezone
  • Default Value: "-8" (Pacific Time)
  • Acceptable Values: integer as a string — (between "-12" and "12", inclusive)

The following attributes are available but not supported by Webtrends:

static final String OPTIMIZE_KEY_TOKEN = "wt_opt_key_token"
static final String OPTIMIZE_DOMAIN_ID = "wt_opt_domain_id"
static final String OPTIMIZE_POLL_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = "wt_opt_poll_interval_millis"
static final String OPTIMIZE_URL_BASE = "wt_opt_url_base"
static final String OPTIMIZE_STAGING_MODE = "wt_opt_staging_mode"
static final String OPTIMIZE_PROJECT_LOCATIONS = "wt_opt_project_locations"
static final String OPTIMIZE_TEST_LOADING_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = "wt_opt_test_loading_timeout_millis"
static final String OPTIMIZE_TESTS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = "wt_opt_tests_update_timeout_millis"


Optimize classes are available but no longer supported by Webtrends.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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