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Configuration Settings
General Tab
- Configuration description - Specifies a brief description/name of the custom tag configuration.
- Data collection domain - Specifies the domain to send data to.
- DCS id - Specifies the DCSID to send the collected data to.Note:
-Webtrends data collectors required a valid DCSID to log any sent data.
-DCSIDs are generated by the Webtrends UI during the creation of new data sources in A9, or the creation of new Site Spaces in A10.
-If you do not have a valid DCSID, contact your Webtrends administrator for assistance. - WT Tag Manager Version - Specifies the version of the Tag Manager that you currently have installed.
Advanced Tab
- Enable user profile features - Enables or disables user profile data collection settings.
- Enable plugins features - Enables or disables user profile data collection settings.
- Collect site information - Check this to pass dedicated parameters for site collection title, site collection root URL, site title, and site root URL for additional reporting.
- Copy values to content group - Check this to copy the site information data into the Content Group (WT.cg_n, WT.cg_s) parameters for Legacy reporting which relies on the Content Group parameters. This option will not appear if Collect site information is not checked.
- Collect ECB menu clicks – Check this to track clicks to documents or ECB/Ribbon Menu options.Note:
This property now affects all document tracking and should be left on.
- Download types to track – A comma delimited list of file extensions that the scripts consider a ‘download’ are specified here.Note:
-This is primarily for the detection of generic links that lead to a document. All documents within a document library are considered documents.
-This corresponds to the downloadtypes property in manual tagging. - Collect document meta data – Enables collection of custom document meta data.
List of fields to collect - A comma delimited list of the text of the column names you wish to track.
Note:-Values in this field are fairly forgiving to format and reformatted for eaiser comparison.
-The list is not case-sensitive.
-Spaces and _x0020 characters are replaced with an underscore during comparison against SharePoint's properties.
E.g. You can match "Created_x0020_By" with "created by"
- Download types to track – A comma delimited list of file extensions that the scripts consider a ‘download’ are specified here.
- Collect Web Part impressions – Check this to track impressions for Web Parts on pages.Note:
This option is recommended to also pass Web Part Titles on click events.
- Web part name maximum length number that defines the maximum length of each web part name before trimming occurs.
- Include web part id with title - Enable this to distinguish web parts with the same titles on the same page by appending their instance ID.
- Collect Breadcrumbs – Check this option to collect the page’s breadcrumb, if a breadcrumb is visible in the page.
- Breadcrumb element ID – This field contains the element ID to look for when collecting the breadcrumb data. This option will not be available if Collect Breadcrumbs is not checked.
- Collect search info– Check this to collect information about search phrases used on the site, and the number of results displayed for each search, and more.
- Search Pages – Comma delimited list of search result pages to look for. Enter additional custom search page names, or partial URLs, as needed. This option will not appear if Collect search information is not checked.
- Search result body class name – Comma delimited list of search result body element class names to identify search result clickthroughs. Enter additional custom element class names as needed. This option will not appear if Collect search information is not checked.
- Search box element ID – ID of the element that provides the search information. This should generally not need to be changed. This option will not appear if Collect search information is not checked.
- Collect all link clicks – Check this to collect data for all link < a > links not already tracked by the various options above. This option is recommended for the best reporting with the default report set.
- On-domains regular expression – Regular expression of domains that are to be considered on-site in a link click.
- Enable legacy onsite detection – Enables the WT.dl=24 (offsite) at the site collection level, rather than the domain.
- Enable Click Tracking if MultiTrack is on Link – Check this to disable the Collect all link tracking on links where Webtrends.multiTrack or dcsMultitrack was manually implemented. This option will not appear if Collect all link clicks is not checked.
- Enable offsite link tracking – Check this to enable Legacy V10 Tag offsite link tracking. Do not select this if Collect all links is checked.Note:
This option is for legacy purposes and not recommended. It send extra hits when links leading off the current or specified domains are clicked. Collect all link clicks is preferred.
- Onsite domains regular expression - Regular Expression list of domains to consider onsite and abort hits from the Legacy V10 Tag Offsite Link Tracking.
Collect Social Menu clicks – Check this to collect clicks on the Newsfeed and Blog Site Template related links.
- Enabled legacy social tracking - Disables advanced social interaction tracking, reverting to Legacy style provides limited data on Site Newsfeed. Not Recommended.
Populate authenticated username field – Copies a desired parameter value into the DCS.dcsaut parameter, used to populate the Authenticated Username field in the Webtrends log files for improved session tracking. Recommended.
- Authenticated user name parameter – Specifies the parameter value to copy from. If modifying this value, ensure that the parameter used is unique for each visitor for best reporting results. This option will not appear if Populate authenticated username field is not checked.
- Override unique visitor ID – Copies a desired parameter value into the WT.dcsvid parameter, to set a unique visitor id in Visitor Data Mart profiles.
- Unique visitor ID parameter – Specifies the parameter value to copy. If modifying this value, ensure that the parameter used is unique for each visitor for best reporting results. This option will not appear if *Override unique visitor ID *is not checked.
Note:It is highly recommended to leave Populate authenticated username field checked, and use a valid unique user property parameter for the Authenticated user name parameter, such as that for theUser Login or User GUID.
-This is recommended even if you do not wish to collect sensitive user information.
-Doing so will ensure unique user counts and accurate sessionization in the reports.
-See Enable sensitive parameter obfuscation below to hide this data in reports if necessary.
- Enable sensitive parameter obfuscation – Check this to use an irreversible MD5 hash encryption on parameter values, to obfuscate user data such as the User Login.Note:
This option is recommended only if some user properties are too sensitive to collect. This ensures that unique user data is still available for accurate session tracking, but obfuscated within report data.
- Parameters to use for obfuscation – Comma delimited list of the desired user parameters to irreversibly hash. This option will not appear if Obfuscate sensitive parameters is not checked.
- Remove last IP address octet – Instructs the SDC logging server to remove the last octect of the Client IP Address when logging data. This does not impact Geo location data in reports.
- Overwrite client IP address with - Instructs the SDC logging server to replace the Client IP Address with a specified value when loggined data. This does not impact Geo location data in reports.
- Replacement IP address - The IP Address to replace the Client IP Address with.
- Collect user login – Attempts to collect the User login from the DOM window. _ spPageContextInfo.userLoginName property as a fallback. This option is not used if Collect user profile information is enabled and the associated REST API call is successful.Note:
-This property does not exist in SP2013 and cannot be collected in this way.
- Collect username – Attempts to collect the User Name from the field in the upper right of a SharePoint page. This option is not used if Collect user profile information is enabled and the associated REST API call is successful.
- Username element ID – The first element ID to attempt to find the user name in. This option will not appear if Collect user name is not checked.
- Alternate username element ID –The alternative element ID to find the user name in. This option will not appear if Collect user name is not checked.
Note:The appropriate element ID may vary in your custom master pages.
- Enable double byte character encoding – Enables double-byte character coding in the Webtrends tracking code to properly encode some language characters such as Asian scripts.
- Collect list information – Collects information regarding lists and list item interactions.
- Collect modern news article impressions - Enables additional impression hits to be sent, one for each article found on a page.
- Enable page view events – Uncheck this to disable the automatic page view collection event, in order to trigger the event yourself after the return of async operations.Note:
This will disable automatic page view hits on all pages and should only be used in specific circumstances with the guidance of Technical Support.
UPS Parameters Tab
This section allows you to select which User Attributes to capture. Check the corresponding box of any custom attributes you wish to send.
- Enable the user profile plugin - Enables or disables the use of the User Profile Service plugin.Note:
Recommended - This is required to collect user data, unless using the HTML/DOM options in the Advanced tab, or adding user data to the DOM manually via the global wt_sp_user variable.
- Enable user profile collection API in web apps - Enables or disabled the *User Profile Service API *call if the Webtrends code is loaded within an App/Add-in.Note:
This may need to be enabled to avoid prompts for credentials when opening an app web that utilizes App Only Authentication.
Plugins Tab
This section allows you to add or disable additional custom plugins and alter default plugin options.
Editing of Plugin default configurations is not recommended without the assistance of Technical Support.