Webtrends SharePoint 2019 Modern View Extension Removal
  • 24 Aug 2023
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Webtrends SharePoint 2019 Modern View Extension Removal

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Article summary

Removing the Webtrends App Extension from a Single Site

  1. Navigate to the desired Site.

  2. Open site Settings (the gear icon in the upper right).

  3. Open the Site contents.

    1. Switch to classic experience if necessary.
  4. Hover over the Webtrends SharePoint App Extension 2019 icon.

  5. Click the ... link in the upper right.

  6. Click DELETE in the hover card.

  7. Repeat for additional sites as needed.


    Application Extensions are web scoped, and you will need to remove the extension from each sub site as well as the site collection as needed.

Removing the Webtrends App Extension from Multiple Sites

Removal of the Webtrends SharePoint 2019 Modern View Extension from multiple sites simultaneously requires the use of PowerShell scripting.


Please see various online blog articles on retracting extensions via PowerShell.


Technical Support may be able to offer an officially unsupported PowerShell script for you to customize for your environment.

Removing the Webtrends App Extension Package.

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint tenant app catalog site.
  2. Click Apps for SharePoint.
  3. Right click on the Webtrends SharePoint App Extension 2019 row.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Confirm the deletion.

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