Webtrends Analytics On Premises 9.3 SDC
    • 06 May 2020
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    Webtrends Analytics On Premises 9.3 SDC

    Article summary

    February 5th, 2020

    Chrome will begin enforcing SameSite cookie security in February 2020, so we’ve updated our Smartsource Data Collector (SDC) Software to provide the Secure and SameSite flags for the 3rd party ACOOKIE if SSL is configured for the SDC website. Please contact Webtrends Technical Support for a copy of the new 9.3 SDC software.

    What do you need to do?

    I host my SDC and the sites I track over HTTPS:

    Great! You wont need to do anything beyond upgrading your SDC software. Please contact Support for a copy of the new SDC software.

    If you wish, you can head over to and download an updated tag. The updated tag will ensure that all connections default to an HTTPS connection to your SDC. If you don’t upgrade the tag, the current tag behavior is to use the protocol of the tagged site to access the SDC. If you have any questions, please contact Support.

    I host my SDC and/or the sites I track over HTTP:

    You should really consider hosting your site and SDC over HTTPS. With the current Chrome update, 3rd party cookies (such as those from the SDC) will no longer be allowed unsecured and without the SameSite flags being set. As such, the SDC (regardless of version) will no longer be able to set the ACOOKIE, which allows for cross domain tracking. This could affect data collection accuracy in certain situations. If you have any questions, please contact Support.

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