SDC-Parameter Override Parameters
  • 16 Apr 2020
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SDC-Parameter Override Parameters

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Article summary

You can use the parameters in this section to override SDC parameters on the client side.

Consider the following example:

If you want a specific page, /xyz.html, logged to the cs-uri-stem field, you can assign the page name to the dcsuri parameter in the JavaScript tag as shown in the Modified Tag.

Default JavaScript Tag:

Modified JavaScript Tag:

However, because modifying JavaScript is error-prone, you could instead use the DCS.dcsuri parameter in a META tag to override the dcsuri assignment in the JavaScript tag. Your META tag would look like this:
<META NAME="DCS.dcsuri" CONTENT="/xyz.html">

Keep in mind that because these parameters simply override assignments in the JavaScript tag, the parameters themselves are not actually sent to SDC. The JavaScript tag contains a custom object named DCS. This object contains property name/value pairs that are used to form query parameters sent to SDC. To continue our example, the JavaScript tag first extracts the META tag information and performs the following assignment:

Next, the JavaScript tag iterates through all name/value pairs in the DCS object and forms query parameters.

In our example, the following query parameter is formed:


The custom object name itself (DCS) is not sent to SDC.


This parameter is assigned to the dcsref parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value is included in the cs(Referer) field of the log file.


This parameter is assigned to the dcssip parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value is included in the cs-host field of the log file.


DCS.dcsua=user agent
This parameter is assigned to the dcsua parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. Value is included in the cs(user agent) field. Use a plus sign to encode spaces rather than %20.


This parameter is assigned to the dcsuri parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value is included in the cs-uri-stem field of the log file.


This parameter is assigned to the dcspro parameter before the hit is sent. The value is included in the cs(Version) field of the log file.


This parameter is assigned to the dcsqry parameter before the hit is sent. The value is included in the cs-uri-query field of the log file.


DCS.dcsaut=authenticated username
This parameter is assigned to the dcsaut parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value is included in the cs-username field.


This parameter is assigned to the dcsmet parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value is included in the cs-method field.


This parameter is assigned to the dcssta parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value is included in the sc-status field.


This parameter is assigned to the dcsqry parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. The value finally is included in the sc-bytes field.


DCS.dcscip=ip address
This parameter is assigned to the dcscip parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. Value is included in the c-ip field.


DCS.dcsua=user agent
This parameter is assigned to the dcsua parameter before the hit is sent to SDC. Value is included in the cs(user agent) field. Use a plus sign to encode spaces rather than %20.

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