Scenario Analysis Parameters
  • 16 Apr 2020
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Scenario Analysis Parameters

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Article summary

Scenario Analysis parameters specify well-known paths or processes in your web site and are typically used to measure conversion and abandonment.

In order to report on Scenario Analysis in Webtrends Analytics, you must also specify your Scenario Analysis definitions in Webtrends Administration.


Visitor Data Mart also recognizes these parameters. For more information, see “Configuring Your Web Site to Collect Visitor Data Mart Data” in the Visitor Data Mart User’s Guide.

Scenario Analysis definitions use the following attributes:
WT.si_n– Name of the Scenario Analysis
WT.si_p – Identifies the step by name
WT.si_x– Identifies the step by position
WT.si_cs – Identifies the step in which conversion occurs for Visitor Data Mart profiles

You can configure multiple Scenario Analyses per page. However, you cannot count the same page as two different steps in the same scenario.


Because Scenario Analysis dimensions and measures are visit-based, they should only be used with visit-based dimensions and measures. If you create a custom report that uses Scenario Analysis dimensions with a hit-based dimension such as Page Views, the reported page view count will include all the page views of every visitor who saw one of the steps of the scenario, which inflates the actual page view count.

For example, if WT.pn_sku, which is hit-based, is specified on the same page as the Product View scenario step, and you create a custom report using Product SKU as the dimension and four scenario steps as measures, the Product SKU will show a visit for each step of the Scenario, even though it was only specified on one of the steps.


Identifies the name of the Scenario Analysis. The maximum length for each Name is 64 bytes. When configuring a new Scenario Analysis definition using Webtrends Administration, make sure that the Scenario Analysis name matches this parameter value.

When specifying multiple Scenario Analysis names, you must also specify multiple step names or step numbers. Each step name or step number is associated with the scenario name having the same position in the list.


Identifies the step by name. When configuring a new Scenario Analysis step using Webtrends Administration, the step name needs to match this parameter value.

  • Webtrends Analytics supports this parameter for Analytics Reports. Use WT.si_x to identify steps for Visitor Data Mart.
  • Do not use WT.si_p if you specify the step by position using the WT.si_x parameter.


Identifies the step by numeric position. The value for WT.si_x must be an integer 1 or higher, and values need to be sequential.


Do not use if specifying the step by name using the WT.si_p parameter.



Identifies whether the page is the step in which conversion occurs when the value is 1. Most likely, this page is the last step in your Scenario.

In addition to this parameter, the web server must also pass the step query parameter for this page. Webtrends Analytics recognizes either WT.si_p or WT.si_x for steps. Visitor Data Mart recognizes WT.si_x for steps.

Multiple values are supported. If multiple values are passed for this parameter and other Scenario event parameters, Visitor Data Mart correlates the values.

Visitor Data Mart recognizes this parameter. However, this parameter is currently not included in any Webtrends Analytics preconfigured custom reports.

Scenario Analysis Parameters for Shopping Cart Analysis

Use Scenario Analysis parameters to track shopping cart activity. Webtrends Analytics supports these parameters for the purchase conversion funnel report. Visitor Data Mart supports these parameters for multi-dimensional reporting for visitor segmentation in Webtrends Segments.

Use the following parameter names and values to tag your shopping cart pages. If you use Webtrends Visitor Data Mart or think that you might in the future, use the Step by Number method. If you use Webtrends Analytics, you can use either the Step by Name method or Step by Number method.

Step by Name Method (WT.si_p)Step by Number Method (WT.si_x)Query Parameter Purpose and Use
WT.si_n=ShoppingCartWT.si_n=ShoppingCartIdentifies the shopping cart scenario. Webtrends Analytics uses the ShoppingCart value to create a purchase conversion funnel report. Visitor Data Mart uses the ShoppingCart value to provide toplevel Scenario data.
WT.si_p=CartViewWT.si_x=1Identifies the product view step
WT.si_p=CartAddWT.si_x=2Identifies the cart start step
WT.si_p=CartCheckoutWT.si_x=2Identifies the cart check out step
WT.si_p=CartCompleteWT.si_x=2Identifies the cart complete step
WT.si_cs=1WT.si_cs=1Identifies the step in which conversion occurs

To collect shopping cart activity for reporting, you need to set up your purchases pages with shopping cart query parameters and create a Scenario Analysis definition in Webtrends Administration. For information about Scenario Analysis definitions, see Administration Help.

To implement shopping cart scenario parameters using WT.si_p:

  1. Configure the product detail pages where visitors can click a button to buy a product. These pages differ from the shopping cart basket page that contains all items in the cart.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCartto identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_p=CartViewto identify tagged pages as the first step.
  2. Configure the pages where your visitors add or remove items from the shopping cart.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCartidentify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_p=CartAdd identify tagged pages as the second step in the scenario.
  3. Configure the pages where your visitors start the checkout process.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCart to identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_p=CartCheckout to identify tagged pages as the third step in the scenario.
  4. Configure the page where your visitors have successfully completed the purchase.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCartto identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_p=CartComplete to identify tagged pages as the fourth step in the scenario.

To implement shopping cart scenario parameters using WT.si_x:

  1. Configure the product detail pages where visitors can click a button to buy a product. These pages differ from the shopping cart basket page that contains all items in the cart.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCart to identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_x=1 to identify tagged pages with the first step in the scenario.
  2. Configure the pages where your visitors add or remove items from the shopping cart.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCart to identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_x=2 to identify tagged pages with the second step in the scenario.
  3. Configure the pages where your visitors start the checkout process.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCart to identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_x=3 to identify tagged pages with the third step in the scenario.
  4. Configure the pages where your visitors have successfully completed the purchase.
    1. Use WT.si_n=ShoppingCart to identify tagged pages with your shopping cart scenario.
    2. Use WT.si_x=4 to identify tagged pages with the fourth step in the scenario.
    3. If you want to track the purchase complete page as the conversion step for use in Visitor Data Mart, use WT.si_cs=1.

In order to provide useful names for other users, you also need to create a Scenario Analysis definition through Webtrends Administration. Ensure that you configure a step name for each step.

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