Profile Summary
  • 29 Mar 2024
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Profile Summary

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Article summary

/profiles/{profile ID} returns summary data for a profile, including the last time the profile was analyzed, so client applications can determine when to refresh data. The interval between updates is at least 15 minutes.

Method: GET

URI: /profiles/{profile ID}/

Note: Add any optional parameters to the end of the URI. If you change the order of URI or required parameters, or place optional parameters before them, the call will not work.

Version number

The version number you will use is dependant upon the version of Analytics you have installed. Analytics versions 9.5 and below, use v2_0. Analytics versions 9.5.1 and above will use v2_1.

Example Request{version}/ReportService/profiles/K729vc8Qqj5/?period=2021&format=xml

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
- <ProfileStatsReport>
 - <ReportDefinition name="definition">
     <decimal name="accountID">10314</decimal> 
     <string name="profileID">1esZ1fhWjd6</string> 
     <string name="ID">1esZ1fhWjd6</string> 
     <string name="name">! WebTrends Internal Collaboration</string> 
     <string name="type">profilestats</string> 
     <list name="properties" /> 
   - <Dimension name="dimension">
      <string name="type">period</string> 
    - <list name="Range">
       <string name="startperiod">2021</string> 
       <decimal name="trendperiods">1</decimal> 
-  <list name="data">
  - <DataRow name="2009">
    - <list name="Attributes">
        <string name="Average Visit Duration">00:16:59</string> 
        <string name="Median Visit Duration">00:06:32</string> 
        <string name="Visit Duration Seconds">14,199,295</string> 
        <string name="Most Active Date">April 27, 2009</string> 
        <string name="Most Active Day of the Week">Thu</string> 
        <string name="Most Active Hour of the Day">15:00-15:59</string> 
        <string name="Least Active Date">March 15, 2009</string> 
        <string name="Last Realtime Analysis Date">2009-09-23 14:49:59</string> 
        <null name="Last Analysis Date" /> 
    - <list name="measures">
         <float name="Page Views">140953</float> 
         <float name="Visits">18876</float> 
         <float name="Visits from Your Country: United States (US)">97.37</float> 
         <float name="International Visits">2.63</float> 
         <float name="Visits of Unknown Origin">0</float> 
         <float name="Average Page Views per Day">386</float> 
         <float name="Average Page Views per Visit">7.47</float> 
         <float name="Average Visits per Day">51</float> 
         <float name="Average Visits per Visitor">15.22</float> 
         <float name="Visitors">1240</float> 
         <float name="Visitors Who Visited Once">398</float> 
         <float name="Visitors Who Visited More Than Once">842</float> 
         <float name="Visit Duration Seconds Count">13922</float> 
         <float name="Total Hits">140953</float> 
         <float name="Successful Hits">140953</float> 
         <float name="Successful Hits (as Percent)">100</float> 
         <float name="Failed Hits">0</float> 
         <float name="Failed Hits (as Percent)">0</float> 
         <float name="Cached Hits">0</float> 
         <float name="Cached Hits (as Percent)">0</float> 
         <float name="Number of Hits on Most Active Date">2454</float> 
         <float name="Average Number of Visits per day on Weekdays">123</float> 
         <float name="Average Number of Hits per day on Weekdays">927</float> 
         <null name="Total Hits Weekend" /> 
         <float name="Average Number of Visits per Weekend">25</float> 
         <float name="Average Number of Hits per Weekend">154</float>

The Most Active Date, Number of Hits on Most Active Date, Most Active Day of the Week, Most Active Hour of the Day, and Least Active Date fields are not populated if the time period is not relevant (for example, data for Most Active Date will not appear if the time period is a single day).


End period

Use the end_period parameter to specify the ending day of a date range. You must also supply the start_period.

end_period = ending day of date range

Example: specifying January 1, 2020 to January 30, 2020


Example: specifying the past 7 days (from yesterday)


Note: Several time period macros are available: CURRENT_DAY, CURRENT_MONTH and CURRENT_YEAR. Instead of a specific start and end date, you can identify relative time periods.


format = return data format
Example: specifying data formats

Data formatParameter and value
XML2 ("XPath-friendly" XML for dynamic applications)format=xml2
HTMLformat=html (use this when importing data into Excel)
CSVformat=csv (returned as a download)
RSSformat=rss (use to specify an RSS 2.0 syndication feed)
ATOMformat=atom (use to specify an ATOM 1.0 syndication feed)

For report data requests, all formats are supported. For "list" requests, only XML and JSON formats are supported.


Use the period parameter to specify the time period of interest and a trend length for report data. You can specify a relative time span or a specific time span (see here). Supplying only period is the same as supplying start_period and end_period with the same value.

period = time period * trend length

Example: getting data for a relative time period (current_day, current_month, current_year)

Time spanParameter and value
Two months agoperiod=current_month-2
Trending backward from February 28period=2024m02d28*28
Rolling 7-days-to-date trendperiod=current_day-1*7
Year trend with holidays and annual cyclical dataperiod=current_month-1*12

Example: getting data for a specific time span (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour)

Time spanParameter and value
First quarter of 2024period=2024q01
January 2024period=2024m01
January, February and March 2024period=2024m03*3
23rd week of 2023period=2023w23
January 1, 2024period=2024m01d01
January 1, 2024 through January 6, 2024period=2024m01d06*6

Start period

Use the start_period parameter to specify the beginning day of a date range. You must also supply the end_period.

start_period = first day of date range

Example: specifying January 1, 2020 to January 30, 2020


Example: specifying the past 7 days (from yesterday)


Note: Several time period macros are available: CURRENT_DAY, CURRENT_MONTH and CURRENT_YEAR. Instead of a specific start and end date, you can identify relative time periods.

Suppress error codes

Set the suppress_error_codes parameter to true if you do not want to be notified of error conditions for a request (the default is false).

suppress_error_codes = {true|false}
Example: Suppress errors for a request

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